Alaskan Essences
Alaskan Essences

Gem Elixirs

Gem elixirs are liquid preparations that contain the potentized healing vibrations of a particular gem or mineral. Their primary actions are to stabilize and balance the energy field, including the subtle bodies that make up the aura and the chakras (main energy centers of the body).

Gem elixirs work by catalyzing the release of stress and tension that have been allowed to build up in the energetic structure of the body. As these dissonant energies are released, that structure comes back into alignment, and the body is able to regain its natural state of balance, stability, and resistance to stress.

Gem elixirs help us access the healing support of the mineral kingdom in a very efficient way through their ease and flexibility of application. They may be used both internally and externally, by themselves, or in combination with other vibrational remedies. They are particularly effective when used concurrently with flower essences, as they help to physically stabilize and anchor the shifts in consciousness that are catalyzed by the transformational energies of the flowers.

The Alaskan Gem Elixirs were co-created by Jane Bell and Steve Johnson in the summer of 1992.  Their intention was to prepare a collection of remedies that would blend the support of the mineral kingdom with the strength and purity of the Alaskan environment.  Each Alaskan Gem Elixir was prepared in a pristine wilderness setting that was chosen for the particular elemental qualities it embodied, qualities that would most effectively anchor the healing pattern of the stone into the water. For example, a few of these elixirs were prepared next to a glacier, some on the shore of one of the largest lakes in the state, located 150 miles from the nearest road, and several in a high meadow filled with wild flowers and surrounded by peaks of the Alaska Range, including Denali, the tallest mountain in North America.

Historically speaking, much of the information that exists on the healing qualities of gem stones has been derived from their physical signatures. These include the crystal system or family that a particular stone belongs to, its color, hardness, chemical composition, and the geologic process by which it was formed.  With that informaiton in mind, the primary focus for Alaskan Gem Elixirs has been on the subtle invisible geometry or healing pattern of the stone and on the elemental forces that were called into service during the preparation process.

Gem Elixir Descriptions

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Brings a calm, quiet clarity to an overactive mental body; increases one’s ability to achieve a neutral, serene state of mind; helps one create a mental oasis of cool, clear receptivity.



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Strengthens the central vertical axis which stabilizes us during expansion experiences; helps us move into and through new experiences with grace, stamina and perseverance; good for spiritual trailblazers and pioneers.



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Grounding communication; opens and strengthens the connection between the feminine earth forces and the 5th chakra; helps us communicate with vitality, authenticity, and gentleness. 


Black Tourmaline

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Helps us exchange old unwanted energies for fresh, clean, neutral energy; a precision tool for the release of toxic energy from the mind, emotions, and especially the physical body.



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Strengthens our connection to the earth; brings a stronger flow of earth energies into the 1st and 2nd chakras; stimulates the release of emotional energies that have been stuck in the lower chakras; rebalances these energy centers after trauma or emotional upset.


Brazilian Amethyst

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Transmutes energy from lower to higher vibratory rates; helps to lift energy from an overly material state; helps one sense and experience one’s unique spiritual reality.

Brazilian Quartz

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The essence of cleansing white light; energizes and synchronizes the auric field, the subtle bodies, and the physical body to the earth's natural vibration.


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Increases the etheric body's ability to access pranic energy; energizes and clears the nadirs, (the energetic interface between the etheric body and the meridians), allowing a greater flow of energy to the meridians.


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Opens, softens, and expands the inner dimensions of the heart chakra; helps us release tension and armoring around giving and receiving love; increases flexibility in the mind and body to allow the vibration of love to flow.


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Brings the heart chakra into harmonious union with the green energy frequency of the planet; synchronizes the subtle bodies with the heart energy of the earth; helps us accept the earth as our home.


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Harmonizes the mental body with higher spiritual laws; increases access to divine truth and intelligence; amplifies qualities of concentration, centering, and rational mind.



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Brings strength, clarity and definition to the auric field; acts as a protective filter that encourages us to relax energetically, thereby enhancing our natural ability to receive love and support from the environment.



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Brings clarity to the 6th chakra; harmonizes divine and personal will; helps us activate personal will in its highest form; strengthens our ability to act in alignment with divine purpose.


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A universal heart cleanser and balancer; energies of the Divine Mother and the Divine Feminine; gently coaxes the heart to open to allow a greater experience of love in the physical body.



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The "break up" elixir; works to bring increased energies into the physical body by breaking up blockages in the etheric body.


Fluorite Combo

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Synchronizes movement between the etheric and physical bodies; fine-tunes our focus so that we can move through an issue or healing process with precision and balance.



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Brings strength and balance to the 3rd chakra; enables us to access and bring forth into physical reality the highest aspects of our personal identity; helps us tap into our inner truth, joy, and wisdom as a source of creative power.

Green Jasper

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Reconnects body rhythms with earthly rhythms when there has been a disruption to the natural flow; helps us connect to the wild feminine; restores earthly sensuality and healthy sexuality.



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Strengthens energetic boundaries in the emotional body; promotes emotional independence rather than co-dependence; helps us maintain a state of compassionate detachment while witnessing an intense emotional experience in another, and contain our own emotional experiences in a responsible way.

Herkimer Diamond

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A highly developed transmitter of white light; promotes clarity of vision; stimulates healing at all levels; facilitates clarity during the dream state; helps us fine tune and focus the activities of the 6th chakra.

Jadeite Jade

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A vibration of peace, balance, and timeless simplicity; helps us stay centered in the moment with an awareness and acceptance of our true essence.



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Opens the heart to an awareness of our own angelic presence; helps us experience the spiritual love of the angelic kingdom and integrate it into the physical body.



Lapis Lazuli

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Opens and clears channels of communication in the 5th chakra; amplifies the ability to hear information from physical and nonphysical sources; clears confusion between hearing and knowing.



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Grounding; helps align and harmonize the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of being; supports the unity of one's being in all circumstances.



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Connectedness; an energetic window into universal perspective; helps us stay present in the moment while accessing what we need to express our earthly potential.


Montana Rhodochrosite – brings strength and solidity to the 4th chakra; clears confusion and chaos from the heart; clarifies intent and promotes courageous, heart-centered action.

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Moonstone – cleanses and circulates energy in the emotional body; increases feminine energy aspects of receptivity and intuition in women and men; balances and focuses the psychic forces during menses.

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Opal – feeds the etheric and subtle bodies with a full spectrum of luminous colors; rejuvenates spent emotional and mental forces and counteracts the depletion of color frequencies in the aura; replenishes our creative energies.

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Orange Calcite – amplifies the body's ability to assimilate light at the cellular level; uplifting, energizing and warming; dispels darkness and grief.

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Pearl – promotes the release of layers of irritation in the mental and emotional bodies that are seen in the physical body as hardness and inflexibility; helps one turn antagonism for oneself or one's illness into awareness and acceptance.

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Peridot – the stone of new beginnings; stabilizes the subtle bodies during the incubation period of new ideas and creative projects; helps us initiate new cycles of learning and experience.

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Pyrite – helps one build an energetic foundation in life based on one’s highest personal truth; strengthens one’s sense of self, especially with regard to group dynamics and peer pressure; helps one solidify and honor one's values.

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Rhodochrosite – increases energy, balance, and stability in the heart chakra and in the physical body; brings a balance of nurturing earth energy to the heart chakra after an experience of healing and transformation.

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Rhodolite Garnet – increases our ability to inhabit the physical body; helps us reconnect energetically with parts of the body that have been injured or traumatized; rebuilds the web of etheric energy in areas disrupted by surgery.

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Rose Quartz – opens, softens and soothes the heart; helps one connect to and nurture the inner child; harmonizes the heart forces so one is able to maintain intimacy with oneself and others.

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Ruby – energizes and balances the 1st chakra and supports the ability to ground spiritual energy into the physical body; works with the lower chakras to awaken higher impersonal love.

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Rutilated Quartz – promotes precision alignment with higher sources of energy and inspiration; helps us physically anchor the ability to access, synthesize, and communicate information from other dimensions.

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Sapphire – devotion to divine purpose; helps synchronize our energy system with our higher purpose; intensifies the qualities of loyalty and responsibility to our true work on the planet.

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Sapphire/Ruby – for balancing spirituality with physical ability; enables one to gently integrate higher purpose into physical reality and receive physical nurturing through the fulfillment of divine responsibilities.

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Scepter Amethyst – opens and prepares the 7th chakra to receive energy from the higher chakras; helps us activate our highest potential through the embodiment of a new core of spiritual identity, authority and leadership.

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Smoky Quartz – grounding and calming; synchronizes body energy with earth energy; regulates and stabilizes the detoxification of unwanted energies from the physical, emotional, and mental bodies.

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Spectrolite – bathes and nourishes the entire energy system with full spectrum light; renews and refreshes our perspective; helps us again see the magnificent in the mundane, and the divine in the ordinary.

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Star Sapphire – promotes trust in the universe; helps us focus our awareness on what is necessary for the soul's progression in life; supports the formation of energetic connections that support the realization of our life goals.

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Sugalite – brings depth and a physical richness to our spiritual lives; helps us physically manifest a warmer, more feminine quality of spirituality; promotes an easy acceptance of—rather than a hard striving for—the spiritual realm.

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Tiger's Eye – self-empowerment; strengthens the energetic boundary between our true natures and our emotional experiences; helps us maintain a strong sense of self-identity when dealing with powerful emotions such as anger, fear, and jealousy.

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Topaz – clears energy blockages in the solar plexus; helps us tap into appropriate sources of universal energy; strengthens the ability to act decisively from a clear sense of personal identity.

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Turquoise – attunes the energy field to the ancient wisdom and sacredness inherent in all of life; cleanses and deepens our connection to the Soul of the earth; helps us live a life of simplicity with gratitude and reverence for All.

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Watermelon Tourmaline – balances the universal polarities of yin and yang; helps us establish equality between the magnetic and dynamic (giving and receiving) qualities of love; brings the green, physical, earth frequency into harmony with the pink, spiritual, angelic frequency of love.

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Single gem, flower, environmental, and research essences (not combination) are available in 1/4 oz ($8.95) and 1 oz. ($13.45) dropper bottles. See also Combination essences.   Please allow reasonable additional time for shipping complete sets.  1/4 oz Gem Set is $299 and 1 oz Gem Set is $408.

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