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Integrating Heart Strength & Compassion in Relationships

Primary Indications:

* To help any couple's relationship evolve to its highest capacity by learning to both give and receive with vibrant heart forces

* To heal and re-build after divorce and other failed relationships, allowing the heart to find renewed expression and new social possibilities

* As a general heart elixir to improve close social relationships with family and friends; so that the heart operates from a place of honesty, integrity and genuine caring

* To regenerate heart health, when prone to physical illness, heart-related stress, or a family history of heart disease; can be mixed into Self-Heal Cream and massaged into the chest/lung area; or used in tandem and/or alternation with Benediction Oil

* During challenging episodes of adolescence and young adulthood; when learning to form meaningful relationships with others and establish appropriate boundaries

* To help parents and other close guardians develop nurturing relationships with children, through strong heart forces that engender affection and respect

* To help caretakers of pets enjoy loving, heart-based relationships while maintaining healthy boundaries and clear communication

The Sacred Heart formula features:

Bleeding Heart Appropriate differentiation and separation; capacity to consolidate heart forces when a relationship has ended for any reason; ability to end or amend dysfunctional relationships that deplete integrity
California Wild Rose Commitment in relationships; ability to work through trials and thorns by holding a higher ideal of love; the transformation of love from a romantic wish to a living force of deeds and sacrifice
Centaury The ability to serve and love from a source of strength and individuality; transforming the tendency to appease, placate or act as a dysfunctional enabler in a relationship
Holly Foundational flower essence for the highest spiritual expression of love and compassion; antidote for jealousy, envy, revenge, and mistrust
Pink Monkeyflower Allowing vulnerability and trust in a relationship; to heal over-defended and guarded tendencies in relationships due to prior soul wounds, abuse or shame
Pink Yarrow Loving connection with others while maintaining containment and appropriate emotional responsibility; healing the tendency toward unbounded sympathetic forces, depletion due to emotional merging or dysfunctional enmeshment
Quince Ability to lead with heart strength; learning to exercise appropriate authority and transparency in any relationship in order to cultivate honesty, authenticity and individuality

Text by Patricia Kaminski, Photos by Richard Katz

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