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Healing Waters store brand

by Sophia Katy Savich and Richard Witteman


Introduction to Ancient Forest Essences

As you make your way into the forest, the outer world of care and tension drops away, and there is nothing but this moment, this deep silence. Within the cathedral of trees with their towering and majestic presence, relaxation begins to take place, your body rhythmically falls into deeper breathing. Everything is in harmony, all is right with the world.

Here the forests pulsate with a wonderful energy. The groves are radiant, you can almost see emanations from leaves, branches, and needles. As you walk, you feel a cleansing in your body, there is a lightness. You sense you are entering an altered and sacred space.

Ancient Forest Essences are born out of this mystery. They are made within the environments of some of the world's most beautiful and powerful natural forests. They are created in the time-honored way, in the tradition of essence making.

Made with awareness and care within the sacred groves, these unique Essences vibrate with mysterious healing qualities of these profound environments.

We feel reverence for the subtle properties that make Essences effective. It is a moving experience to see how people respond when they take a few drops of essence. They speak of becoming relaxed and quiet as many people experience the sensations of being deep within nature.

Each tree and environment embodies unique healing qualities that interact with people in beneficial ways. Have you noticed the changes that occur as you walk a forest path, and come out of the shade of the tall green trees into a meadow of wildflowers? Each habitat has its own magic, and heals in a different manner.

A walk through a Redwood grove has the power of deep and timeless stillness, great echoing shadows of light and dark, filtered and soft sunlight. A hike to the ancient Bristlecone Pines of the Sierras brings dry and rock terrain, far desert vistas, and a delicate silence that touches the soul.

Ancient Forest Essences affect people in the same way—each essence resonates with the unique qualities of the environment within which it was made. By taking a few drops under your tongue, the fresh healing ambiance of trees, water, sun and sky becomes a part of your everyday life.

People report that after taking Ancient Forest Essences, subtle shifts occur, and they feel more balanced and whole. A buoyancy or richness becomes present in what was previously a difficult situation. Unrecognized inner resources become available, new options are apparent, and the world is seen in a fresh way. People feel supported in awakening their inner strength and clarity.

Learning About the Essences

Essences are taken in an intuitive manner. Like a walk in the forest, the essences create a beneficial atmosphere, without negative side effects. Because they are entirely safe, people feel free to experiment and be creative in their use—one simply cannot make a wrong choice.

We invite you to use this web page as an introduction to Ancient Forest Essences. On this site are listings of all our Essences, with a description of their healing properties and complete instructions for their use. Browse through them and follow your intuition to decide which essences are appropriate for you.

The essences are matched together in handy kits—seven stock bottles, of two dram size, complete with droppers in a compact and sturdy carton made of non-bleached, recycled cardboard. A complete listing of the healing qualities of all 7 essences is printed inside the box lid for easy reference.

Ancient Forest Essences are also available individually, in both the 1/4 oz bottles and in 1 oz bottles.

The essences are preserved in brandy, in the traditional Flower Essence manner.

Choosing Essences

Choosing which essence or combination of essences is appropriate for you is part of the creativity and joy of using these preparations. A good place to begin is by reading the card which describes the properties of each essence. You may find a description that fits your situation like a glove.

Or, you may find that you are attracted to a particular tree or natural environment which is embodied in one of the essences. Some people turn the labels around, and choose the bottle which draws them. You may also use a pendulum or other means of dowsing. Another way is to place a drop of essence on your wrist, and to then feel its effects.

Part of the healing process of using essences is to become more aware of how you feel, and what your true needs are. It is a self-empowering process. It is often helpful to write a sentence or two describing your situation, your feelings, what you want to heal. When you match up with the essence (or essences) which are right for you and your situation, there is a sense of delight and energy, a synergistic atmosphere is created. In our experience, people always find their way to the right essence, no matter which method is used.

Using the Essences

Ancient Forest Essences may be used directly from the bottle, by placing two drops under your tongue, 4 times a day. Taking the essence at frequent intervals increases its effectiveness.

You may also place 4-7 drops of essence in a glass of water, and sip it throughout the day. A traditional dosage bottle may be prepared as follows: place 4 drops of essence from the stock bottle into a 1 oz. stopper bottle containing a mixture of 10% brandy (vegetable glycerin, chlorophyll, or apple cider vinegar may be used instead of brandy) and 90% water. Then place four drops of this mixture under the tongue, four times a day.

An equally effective way to work with essences is to place two drops on your wrist, four times a day. The essence may then be rubbed into your skin. This works well for people who are alcohol sensitive (Ancient Forest Essences are preserved in the traditional manner using brandy, with a total alcohol content of 15%).

Essences may be also be used in many other ways:

  • apply topically to any part of your body, including chakra, acupuncture, and energy points
  • add to massage oils, lotions, salves, or bath water
  • add to spray bottles or humidifiers to cleanse a room's energy
  • use with pets and plants
  • use them as a way of setting the tone for gatherings, for celebrations and rituals, taking the essences as a group
  • keep a kit at your desk or workplace, and use them according to the varying situations and moods of the day

Ancient Forest Essences resonate with subtle and powerful qualities, and like the forest, they are very user-friendly. We encourage you to be creative, and to follow your intuition.


All Ancient Forest Essences are available in 2 dram ($6.50) and 1 oz. ($11.50) dropper bottles

Each full 2-dram kit of 7 is $45.00.

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