These times are turbulent and difficult in many ways. Health, mental health, travel, relationships, the economy -- these are all disrupted. There has never been more need for the blends on this page.

Please browse all of the descriptions below and see what speaks to your needs.
The artistic renderings on the labels may help you decide.


We are most pleased and proud to offer our own store brand of Healing Waters essence blends! These have been in the making for years by a team of professionals and are now ready for all of you to use with confidence. Each one is a comprehensive formula designed to support the intention of the name of the blend, and the label art evokes the properties of the blend as well. These are unique blends not available from any other brand. Mindy Sampson, owner of Healing Waters, developed the concepts and collaborated with the custom essence makers as well as the artist, Karen Deaton, to ensure that the components and representation of the ideas all work synergistically to support the concept of each blend.

All 1 oz bottles contain stock concentrate that you can use straight from the dropper, or in water, or diluted in a dosage bottle. Each blend comes with your choice of brandy or vanilla rum as preservative or with no alcohol, just pure water. Every high-quality, easy-to-read, printed label clearly indicates preservative choice, ingredients, and easy-to-understand usage recommendations. If you want to use them as sprays, we suggest the water-only formula and you can ask for a free spray top for your bottle.

There are two general categories. The first we informally call the "ITY
" set because all the names are words ending in "ity." These support "Ideals and Tenets for You" (ITY). The second is based on common phrases so you can easily relate to what they are for (my apologies if some of these do not translate well to other languages...please ask us if you need more information).

If you notice qualities in the blends that are not part of the current descriptions, please tell us your experience!

While supplies last, you can receive the mug (shown at the bottom of this page) for free with purchase of a full set. It is quite beautiful.

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Click photos for larger pictures with meaningful detail. We specially commissioned the custom art from Karen Deaton, a masterful painter and photographer at The images are designed to evoke the properties of each blend. Use your browser's Back button to return to this page.



For peace within a storm, general meditation, clear thinking under stress, not being concerned with circumstances or change, not being bothered by opinions or behavior of others, having balance no matter the situation.

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Synergistic blend includes essences of Lavender, Violet Tourmaline, Blue Lace Agate, Yellowleaf Iris, Oak Leaf Lettuce, Blue Sapphire, Dove Orchid, Sweet Violet, Saint John's Wort, Indian Pink, in pure water with preservative options of brandy, vanilla rum, or none.


For letting go of rigidity in thought patterns, letting things unfold as they may without having to control them. Ability to adjust your concept of a situation, see another point of view.

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Synergistic blend includes essences of Fig, Cherry, Willow, Emerald Calcite, Fire Barrel Cactus, Cayenne, Dandelion, Golden Corydalis, Lemon Lily, Lime Thyme, in pure water with preservative options of brandy, vanilla rum, or none.


For knowing who you are and what you are here to do. Not accepting other people’s opinions of you. Having clear boundaries. Self-actualization.

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Synergistic blend includes essences of Sunflower, Yellow Penstemon, Citrine, Cedar, Redwood Tree, Bird of Paradise, Banana Orchid, Dandelion, Orange Sunflower, in pure water with preservative options of brandy, vanilla rum, or none.


For developing and supporting a guiding set of principles and values and sticking by them no matter the challenges. Going about your business with consistency, making repairs as needed without unnecessary drama...just doing what you do the best you can. The image of an orb weaver spider's web came to me one night as I was falling asleep...a kind of spider that does not tolerate flaws in the web but tears it all down and builds new when needed. It doesn't worry about what other spiders do, and it never wants to be more than just a spider. Admirable qualities for us to emulate!

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Synergistic blend includes essences of Spider Orchid, Carnelian, Gold, Black-eyed Susan, Clary Sage, Honesty Flower, Blue Lace Hydrangea, Claw Honey Myrtle, Corn, Mountain Pride, in pure water with preservative options of brandy, vanilla rum, or none.


For humor, play, enjoyment, relaxation, self nurturing, engaging in fun social activity or not being overly serious. If you tend to be a loner, you may find social activity more appealing, and if you tend to hide in groups, following the crowd, you may appreciate your own company more!

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Synergistic blend includes essences of Zinnia, Cherry, Oregon Grape, Pink Enamel Orchid, Pink Rose, Watermelon, Vesuvianite, Pink Carnation, Apophyllite, in pure water with preservative options of brandy, vanilla rum, or none.


For seeing clearly without personal filters (emotional or mental) that taint your perception. Know the truth of what you are dealing with, see a person or situation or object without trying to meet a predetermined standard. Have faith that you are seeing accurately, without depending on other people’s opinions. Is the water glass half full or half empty? It is just a glass with water.

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Synergistic blend includes essences of Clary Sage, Hematite, Lapis Lazuli, Agrimony, Clematis, Peppermint, Labradorite, Smoky Quartz, Bauhinia, Fringed Gentian, Clear Tourmaline, in pure water with preservative options of brandy, vanilla rum, or none.


This blend addresses choosing how to behave with the most positive results. The image of the chameleon calls to mind its abilities to adapt, blend in, have sensitive perception from every viewpoint (360-degree eye movement), be patient and grounded.

Whether in daily situations or somewhere new, you can more easily mingle and interact with people different from yourself. Differences can be handled with grace and calm. You can be focused and wise and trust your intuition about how to fit in while maintaining your sense of self. If you prefer to blend in with the background, not bring any attention to yourself, and simply observe, that will be more easily accomplished as well.

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Synergistic blend includes essences of Queen of the Night (Trichocereus pachanoi), Glass Flower (Diphylleia grayi, Mexican Shell Flower (Tigridia pavonia, Chameleon totem, in pure water with preservative options of brandy, vanilla rum, or none.


For doing the work required to prepare to receive inspiration, for becoming ready to accept new input. This is for when you don't know what your new direction should be, what to do next. This is another image that appeared in a partial dream state. I didn't want to represent a seed or young plant, because that means something has already begun...the readiness was the point, and the work involved to become ready. The plow in the field represents that work. Be open-minded, able to step outside yourself and greet new ideas and methods, having prepared the environment that allows your idea to thrive!

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Synergistic blend includes essences of Breadfruit, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Grass of Parnassus, Moonflower, Bougainvillea, Blue Lace Agate, Selenite, Sodalite, Green Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Calendula, in pure water with preservative options of brandy, vanilla rum, or none.


Promotes belief in abundance and always having enough for yourself and to share. Increases peace of mind, gladness, and gratitude. For knowing that as you believe and give, you shall manifest and receive. Allows you to let go of resisting change in an effort to keep hold of what you have. Helps you to stop trying to control things from a belief that you have to make things happen in order to be loved and taken care of or fearing that you will not have what you need. Enhances confidence in protection from those things that would rob you of what makes you happy.

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Synergistic blend includes essences of Citrine, Orange, Bluebell, Yellow Pincushion, Orange Moonstone, in pure water with preservative options of brandy, vanilla rum, or none.



For not giving up, not giving in, sticking with your idea and striving toward your goals even when it’s difficult and people try to discourage you, or offer no help, or put up obstacles. Be patient and make it work. This is not encouraging stubbornness or insisting on your own way and shutting out advice, but is for having a vision, adjusting your methods as need be, changing your trajectory, and keeping at it until your goal is accomplished.

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Synergistic blend includes essences of Larch, Oak, Jacob's Ladder, Fire Pink, Gold, Gentian, Madia, Carnelian, Garlic, Smoky Quartz, Red Diamond, Ruby, Amber, Citrine, Garnet, in pure water with preservative options of brandy, vanilla rum, or none.

Ducks in a Row

Anti-procrastination, "getting your affairs in order," seeing order in chaos, and doing what is necessary no matter how uncomfortable. "Getting your ducks in a row" is a popular expression for figuring out a process, a linear progression that makes sense. If you have been putting off making a will or an estate plan, deep-cleaning the house for sale, or just rearranging your closet, this will help you be not only organized, but more willing to get it done!

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Synergistic blend includes essences of Capirona, Black Tourmaline, Sage, Yarrow, in pure water with preservative options of brandy, vanilla rum, or none.

Everything is OK

Our go-to “emergency/rescue” formula, for knowing that everything is ok even when it doesn’t seem to be. Sometimes when I am worried, I put myself to sleep at bedtime with a mantra of "everything is ok" and it is very calming and reassuring. Anything from a small disturbance to a shocking trauma is manageable when you have a deep abiding faith that appearances are not real. All is well, and all is well, and all is well.

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Synergistic blend includes essences of Aspen, Walnut, Chamomile, Angelica, Arnica, Lavender, Corn, Apricot, Blood Orange, Emerald, Amazonite, Kunzite, Orange Calcite, Yarrow, in pure water with preservative options of brandy, vanilla rum, or none.

Getting There

For noticing small progress toward a big goal and being grateful for it, seeing the big picture while attending to details, having patience while things take shape. This is especially helpful for calming overwhelm, overstimulation, worry. Things may not be in their final desired form, but....they're getting there!

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Synergistic blend includes essences of Brown Tourmaline, Borage, Elm, Amethyst Shooting Star, Daphnite, Purple Jadeite, Red Topaz, Ruby, Selenite, Grapefruit, Rose Quartz, in pure water with preservative options of brandy, vanilla rum, or none.

Perk Up, Buttercup!

For those times when you are feeling gloomy, negative, unworthy, heavy, discouraged. Encourages sensitivity to your inner light and the courage to carry it with you, overcoming minor setbacks.

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Synergistic blend includes essences of Buttercup, Ametrine, Citrine, Gentian, Hornbeam, Mustard, Olive, in pure water with preservative options of brandy, vanilla rum, or none.


Something Will Happen

For not having to control how a resolution to a problem will occur. Nurtures you with strong elements of "when the time is right." This is related to Everything is OK but is for more long-term goals or complicated situations, not the urgent, acute need to make things better.

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Synergistic blend includes essences of Borage, Violet Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Lepidolite, Willow, Carrot, Red Lotus, Rocky Mountain Juniper, Brown Spinel, Bee Balm, in pure water with preservative options of brandy, vanilla rum, or none.

Water Off a Duck

For insulation against negative comments and influences. Reinforces resistance to gossip, personal comments, bullying, and discouragement from others. Enhances awareness so sources of negativity can be evaluated for validity and sloughed off without damage to you. Strengthens your aura to shield you from new attacks and also helps eliminate hurt feelings that have begun to take root in you similarly to a parasitic infection.

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Synergistic blend includes essences of Capirona, Black Tourmaline, Sage, Yarrow, in pure water with preservative options of brandy, vanilla rum, or none.



Now you can sip your favorite beverage using
a beautiful and inspirational mug from Healing Waters!

Karen Deaton created the original art based on
guidance from Mindy Sampson, incorporating
representations of all branches of essence work.

This handsome mug holds 10 ounces and
is dishwasher- and microwave-safe.

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Each blend is available in 1 oz. dropper bottles for $14.95. You can request brandy or vanilla rum preservative, or no alcohol (just can add your own vegetable glycerin if you want preservative with no alcohol. Please inquire about the FES brand of glycerin). If you want sprays, please ask for the water-only formula and a free spray top in the message/instructions box in the shopping cart, or send us an email, text, or voicemail.

The mug is $14.95, or free with purchase of all 16 blends.

Full set of 16 blends is $160.

Because this is our own brand, we can offer discount terms for practitioners and stores wanting to add us to the products they offer. Please inquire!

If you don't want to use the Shopping Cart, go to Ordering Instructions for alternatives. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Card, Zelle, and PayPal.  (For your browsing convenience, the ordering instructions page will open in a new window.)   Orders are also accepted at 1-505-934-3861 and by email.  If you are a repeat customer and none of your information has changed, we can process the order for you with just a list of products, brands, and sizes. 

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